frequently asked questions
The study area generally includes the following:
corridor of I-95 between approximately Center Street (Exit 19) and Hollister Avenue (Exit 30)
Route 8/Route 25 (Exit 27A) and a portion of Route 8/Route 25 to approximately Exit 2.
Nearby parallel routes include Post Road and Kings Highway (Route 1) in Fairfield and State Street (Route 130) and Fairfield Avenue (State Road 700) in Bridgeport.
A PEL study is an approach to transportation planning that is typically used to identify transportation issues, priorities, and environmental concerns. The process is intended to integrate community planning into the transportation planning decision process. Improvement alternatives will be developed and analyzed, and the final study report will provide a list of recommended improvements.
Because it’s anticipated that many of the potential improvement projects stemming from this study would rely on federal funding or federal permitting, they would be subject to environmental review under NEPA. NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act of 1969) is a federal law protecting the environment for all federally permitted or funded projects. Before approval of federal actions, NEPA requires analysis of potential impacts to the environment (both the human and natural environment) and when there are, the consideration of alternatives to avoid impacts and mitigative measures to compensate for impacts.
Recent preliminary evaluations along I-95 have prompted CTDOT to launch several PEL studies along I-95; these are important steps toward real corridor transportation-system improvement projects.
The I-95 Mobility Study Fairfield/Bridgeport will collect data, examine existing and potential future conditions, and evaluate alternative ways to improve mobility and travel conditions along the corridor. The study will develop purpose and need for projects; determine project sizes and locations; and develop and refine a range of alternatives, which can then be prioritized for implementation.
The study will include the development of a purpose and need, which will articulate what the key needs in the corridor are. The team, with the help of stakeholders and the public, will assess alternatives and compare these alternatives against the purpose and need. The product will be a comprehensive report with a vision for the study area and recommended solutions. These solutions will include short-term upgrades (1-5 years) as well as medium-term (5-15 years), and long-term (15+ years) improvements. The report will consider local communities, local conservation plans, development plans, and public and agency input.
The PEL study process includes two phases.
Phase 1 will include the PEL strategy and scheduling work, initial data collection, preliminary corridor and traffic assessments, initial public and stakeholder outreach to present project goals, analysis of needs and deficiencies, and the development of a preliminary purpose and need. Phase 1 is expected to be completed in approximately 14 months, or by late 2024.
Phase 2 will include development and analysis of improvement alternatives, identification of project alternatives to move forward into NEPA review and implementation as project funding is available, and a final PEL report documenting the Study results. Phase 2 is expected to be completed 12-14 months after Phase 1, likely by late 2025.
The I-95 Mobility Study Fairfield/Bridgeport will include significant collaboration between municipal governments, residents, businesses, advocacy and stakeholder organizations, and elected representatives in and around the study area.
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